31 December 2005


New Year's Eve

My staff is throwing their annual New Year's bash tonight-- this is Edna (our secretary) and her sister, whose name escapes me. They were the life of the party last year, though I now realize that doesn't speak well to the liveliness of our staff's party. Fortunately, my sponsor and his family offered to do something with me and Jennifer, so I can skip the party claiming the need to schmooze with our sponsors.

Stan forgot the pictures (again). So I managed to do some digging and remembered that there is a picture of Jennifer on Lee's website.....so here she is!:

She is the most beautiful person in the world :) and even though Skip in PR says that may offend other people who think they are the most bautiful person in the world, they'll just have to get over it, because no one is more wonderful than my Jennifer.
I've got to run, but we'll try to be back for a ball drop post later. See ya!

30 December 2005


Pictures are coming, I promise

The writers wanted to do one of those ultra-long surveys that would tell you everything you could possibly know about me, but I used my veto power to axe it. Not that I am against surveys, but I just haven't found one I liked. Mainly, I don't care to answer 100 questions that don't even remotely apply to me.

But the writers kept pushing for something, and since Stan forgot to bring the pictures (again) after lunch, I figure a short synopsis of me would hold everyone over for awhile. But this is an interactive synopsis. Here we go......

[This profile brought to you by our sponsor, Nathan.]

My name is Brian, but I'm not this Brian.
My favorite color is red, like this guy's hat.
I like Battlestar Galactica, which is now the best sci-fi I have ever seen. That says alot, because I used to be a big Star Trek fan. My wife and I are elders at The Father's House in Cleveland (not Ohio), a wonderful non-denominational church. I used to be an independent Baptist and Jennifer was IPCC. We are blessed with a beautiful home on the campus of Lee University, which is the 10th place I've lived in the past 7 years (can you tell I was in my college phase)? I have been all over the Eastern U.S. (Texas to PA) with Campus Choir, NYC twice, but my favorite place of all is London and the UK in general. It is the only BIG city I could live in and enjoy it. Oh, and the big arch in St. Louis was the most disappointing landmark I have ever seen (I say that knowing that I may lose all hits that could have come from St. Louis, but the marketing dept. tells me St. Louis wasn't in our target demographic anyway. Plus, St. Louis is the home of the Cardinals, the archenemy of my team, the Chicago Cubs.

I like thunderstorms and the ocean, old-school videogames (Super Nintendo RULES), and I learned to like coffee thanks to Jennifer's gentle urging (the same urging that is slowly getting me to like vegetables also). I drive an 89 Honda Accord that has crossed the 220,000 mile line with about 60% of it's paint left. Jennifer's car, a 90 Toyota Corolla, is beating me at almost 240,000. Let us all take a moment and thank the Japenese for their reliable cars.

That's all for now. We'll continue later with an all-picture synopsis, if Stan doesn't forget the pictures again.


Meet our staff

Click here to find more than you would ever want to know about Willy Wonka...

Since I have mentioned 3 members from my staff (Stan, Sergio, and Skip Roper), Flip Saunders from London asked if I would show a picture of them to "prove their existence". While I consider this accustation that I have a fictional staff totally offensive, I nonetheless honor my commitment to answer all questions here at INCG. So here they are:

Skip is the farthest one on the left with his elbow on the barrel, Stan is in the back at the top (look center), and Sergio is looking at Willy Wonka, who stopped by for a visit.

The rest of the people in the picture are my writing staff and the janitor.

These guys are rabid fans of the Wonka movies (the writers made me put a Wonka link above), and they usually come to work dressed as Oompa-Loompas. I don't have the heart to tell them that's a Gene Wilder impersonator.......oops.


Our first request!!

We received our first request last night from Jennifer suggesting that we need more pictures here at INCG ("I'm not Curious George" for you non-acronym types). So as we promised, we are going to answer our requests!

Thanks to Stan in IT and Sergio in Asthetic Design for getting the pictures up!

UPDATE: Due to some technical errors (Stan left his memory key with the pictures at home), there will be a short delay in posting the pictures. In the meantime, Skip Roper in Public Relations says we should do a community service and post the following Public Service Announcement:

29 December 2005


What I will tell you

My name is Brian. I will tell you that. My wife Jennifer is an RD (that's a Resident Director to you non-university types) over a certain dorm at a certain school. I have an ipod. I also bet you English speaking types are loving my broken sentences and my constant use of I.

What I need are suggestions. Ideas. You know, "ahas!" and "Eurekas!" that my studio audience wants to hear about. Let me know and we'll put it out over the internets for all the world to see your question/suggestion and my answer/reply. We (I have a staff now) will also try to use optional words/phrases for every inquiry/comment we receive/acquire at our blog/weblog. So send/activate your thoughts/musings now!

Meanwhile, I am going to my crack writing team and fire them. Sorry about the overabundance of nouns. My "new" writers promise an overabundance of verbs to balance it on the next post.

Visit my sponsor. We're going to drive his count above his wife's site count before you know it!


The 3rd time is a charm

Welcome to Brian blogging 3.0. Yes, this is the third time I have tried blogging. The first attempt on blogger never made it past creating my account. The second attempt, on xanga, not only looked terrible, but no one saw it, including me. Heck, my wife didn't even read it.

So I try again. I still don't know what to blog about-- oh well, maybe I'll come up with something for version 4.0! That one will RULE.