29 December 2005

What I will tell you

My name is Brian. I will tell you that. My wife Jennifer is an RD (that's a Resident Director to you non-university types) over a certain dorm at a certain school. I have an ipod. I also bet you English speaking types are loving my broken sentences and my constant use of I.

What I need are suggestions. Ideas. You know, "ahas!" and "Eurekas!" that my studio audience wants to hear about. Let me know and we'll put it out over the internets for all the world to see your question/suggestion and my answer/reply. We (I have a staff now) will also try to use optional words/phrases for every inquiry/comment we receive/acquire at our blog/weblog. So send/activate your thoughts/musings now!

Meanwhile, I am going to my crack writing team and fire them. Sorry about the overabundance of nouns. My "new" writers promise an overabundance of verbs to balance it on the next post.

Visit my sponsor. We're going to drive his count above his wife's site count before you know it!