23 January 2006


Bet you thought I'd given up, didn't you? The network cancelled INCG, you said, the ratings just weren't there. It was a great show, it just didn't get the numbers. Well, you thought WRONG! We're still here and better than ever. My producer thought some time off would generate some buzz. Really.

Jennifer had her surgery and is recovering. The Lord is still doing miracles, I will say that. While removing her cysts, they discovered she had endometriosis (I spelled that without checking- HA) all over her abdomen, which they removed. The miracle is she has no residual damage to her tubes or ovaries from the endo (that's what I'm calling it)- the doctor is still marveling at that. While it was bad that she had it, it is good she had the surgery because the endo would have prevented pregnancy, and we had begun talking about trying. Had the endo not been discovered, we would of course not have gotten pregnant, and Lord knows all the drugs, chemicals, weird foods, doctor visits and money we would have gone through to try to get pregnant. Praise the Lord!

This week's CD is from the Christ for the Nations Institue, Overtaken. It's very different from anything they have done before. I would classify their previous work as choir-oriented, more contemporary fare, while this new album leans more toward rock and shall we say Hillsong influences. I've had a hard time finding it in stores, so just buy it from CFNI directly.

I'm thinking about wiping my PC's hard drive and starting over, which I loathe. But I loathe my computer's setup more. I also still have to wrestle with some mobo issues I'm having, but we'll cross that bridge later.