09 February 2006

Mr. Potato Head should run for Congress

Things I like (in no order):
1. Ipod
2. Mr. Potato Head.
3. Tetris on the NES.
5. Rolling pennies into .50 rolls (it feels very empowering)
8. Organic macaroni with hot dogs.
9. Music, except country. (HA!)
10. Monty Python
11. Battlestar Galactica
13. Starbucks (my budget HATES it though)
14. Baseball (see the clock).
16. Jennifer's many varietes of tea.
18. I'm trying to make a list as long as this picture. Why?
20. I like symmetry.


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Neilby Wan Kaneelby said...

If Dan Quayle were dressed like that, would he be Mr. Potatoe Head?

Nate said...

Your numbers! Your numbers are not in order! I am having to calm my obsessive compusive alter-ego down. On the other hand, Mr. Potato Head might make a good congressman...or even president. Hmmm...