23 February 2006

Quick hits

I'm going to be out of town for a few days on some business.....I'm gonna go back in time and win the lottery! I'll split the winnings with this guy!

In other news, I got a free sweet tea today for no reason whatsover. That was sweet (HA!).

In further news, I finally emailed a good friend that I have been neglecting, and he wrote back, and I feel really good because I miss him.

In the top story, my sponsor wrote one of the most profound things I have heard in awhile. INCG declares it as required reading for all males who visit the site. I always have a link to his site, but here's a dedicated link to the entry. Sage wisdom here, people-- this stuff is GOLD! I am serious.

Finally, our spinoff show on myspace is slowly coming together. Check here for the sneak peek.