07 February 2006

Silence is golden

The last few days has seen an inordinate amount of crisis, excitement, hope, joy, anger, fear, love, laughter, and friendship to the likes I have rarely seen in one single week. There has been enough emotional shifting to resemble something like a hurricane. Let me be clear: there is nothing wrong, it's just a massive amount of experiences and encounters to ponder and ultimately face. This is mostly good-- it actually makes me feel quite alive. Tired, but alive.

It may be my jobs. I have never had a bad job-- they have all been good to me and I to them. But they are what I call "cog" jobs; I am just a cog in the great machine and there are 5000 more of me, so I'm not vital. It's not that I don't make a difference, what I am trying to convey is that my jobs over the years have required little stress, anxiety, or great struggle. That means that alot of personal growth and struggle take place outside of the workplace, which is fine by me. I just haven't seen this much in my private life in awhile.

These events (yes I am leaving them vague for privacy reasons) are not the plot of my life, but I am quickly discovering that they are character-forming at a pace I haven't seen in a long time. It's like when your favorite TV show stops the plot arc is has been on to do a character-focused episode that does nothing to advance the plot when you first see it, but later discover that the events of that episode shape the journey of the character in the show as time goes on. This is where I feel I am at now- God and I are stopping to focus on changes in me before the next phase of the plot of my life comes along, because big changes are coming.

Tune in to see what happens!


Neilby Wan Kaneelby said...

How about that curious george movie coming out?