22 March 2006

Highlights from Nashville, photos only

Here's a pic from my trip to Nashville with my friends Gabe and Steinberg:
The 3 of us have not been together in almost 2 years, so it was a long overdue visit. Check BNCG for more details.

In unrelated news, go sign this apology letter to cows for sinfully enjoying their beefy goodness. No, this is NOT a Chick-fil-A ad, but it was obviously inspired by it:
Sorry, cows!

Will Wheaton posted a great link for a website called Vectorpark that has 2 brain-twisting games that use similar graphics to what the folks at Pixar use for all their movies. You might like it, and you will proabably get addicted to it.


Neilby Wan Kaneelby said...

You are getting close to two weeks being silent! You should be banned from your own site!