27 October 2006


Some things are very consistent. I usually like consistency; I grew up in the same house from age 2 to 21. I drove nothing but Fords from age 15 to 26. I have lived in the same 50 mile radius since birth. But I am beginning to hate certain consistencies, things that inexorably march on, not show signs of slowing (the rowers keep on rowing). The consistency of my questions, the confines of money, the fact that you can't spend less than $600 a month on a house unless it's either falling apart OR it's on wheels. Not that we're buying a house, but we window shop from time to time and it's depressing, kind of like never-ending rain. The nagging question of career.

I tried to think these things through last night, but I decided to iron instead. I am trying to improve my slightly wrinkly appearance at work, so I ironed all my pants and 4-5 shirts in an hour and a half of ironing frenzy. I got lost in the mindlessless of it, and it was surprisingly relaxing. I wished I had a better view though.....