26 January 2007

Women in ministry?

I won't get heavily into this debate, because I don't have the energy at the moment. If you want to get some interesting reading on the topic, check out Scot McKnight's blog-- he has been posting about women in ministry over the last few weeks.

I want to share this article that Scot references in one of his posts from The Dallas Morning News. Southwestern Baptist Seminary recently fired a female professor who was a graduate of the seminary and was hired by the seminary to teach Hebrew. But the university fired her because she is a woman, and a woman cannot teach a man according to the seminary and Baptist theology in general. They claim a "lapse" in practice of their beliefs as a reason why they hired her in the first place.

Apparently, this is also causing serious debate amongst Baptists as well, because the central argument is whether or not Pauline texts regarding men's and women's positions in ministry refer to the office of pastors only (thus a woman can't pastor a man) or also includes teachers as well. SBC pastor Wade Burleson gives a great argument about it on his blog. I don't know much about Wade, but apparently his quest to get to the bottom of the professor's firing is becoming quite nasty, and the seminary is even beginning to accuse him of slander, but then refuses to release previously public meeting records that would prove Burleson's claims. Doesn't sound very Christian to me.......

I'm still digesting the article, so I will hold my position....for now.