07 February 2007

Emerging Wednesday- Jason Clark's polar views

Jason Clark is one of the links I permanently keep on the blog for his insight and wisdom in the emerging conversation. He was one of the first blogs I ran into when searching out emerging resources and read him daily.

Plug complete.

Jason posted back in January about 2 "poles" of emerging ideas that exist. I will not recap the whole thing here, but go check it out because it is worth a read. His basic presentation is that there are 2 kinds of emerging Christians; the "post/anti-church" crowd, who is ready to abandon the traditional brick-and-mortar institution, because it is so far gone it is not worth saving. That's the "a" side. The "b" side is more reconciliatory, and willing to labor within the church to foster change. Jason talks about finding a middle ground between the two, as both have their advantages and flaws. Again, I'll let Jason's blog (and the great comments on the entry) speak for itself.

I'll soon be writing about my "emerging polarity" and where I might be heading.