I'm going to try and be a little thematic around here, mainly to have some order to my OCD brain. Since I am not doing this for "fortune and glory" (Indiana Jones, anyone?), I don't want to limit what I write about, but for my faithful 3 readers out there some continuity may make things more understanding. The randomness will still appear from time to time, but I'm going to try to include at least one entry a week in these topics, although the days are not set in stone:
- Photo Monday- interesting, funny, pretty pictures I find on the internet tubes.
- Emerging Wednesday- Since Wednesday nights are usually associated with church here in the South, I'll talk, muse, or link to something about post-church issues/questions/topics.
- Nerdy Thursday- something from the Nerdery; computers, movies, games, gadgets, comics, who knows? It will be nerdy.
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