08 March 2007

Nerdy Thursday- Desktop Tower Defense

Nothing is as exciting and terrifying to a nerd as the ADDICTING GAME. Sometimes it's Civilization I-IV, or another complex strategy tale. Others, it's a game like Puzzle Pirates.
You kind of expect to get addicted to games like these, because they are built for extended play and you can micromanage your nerdy brain out. Customization, managing, and creativity is the name of the game, and the more the merrier.

Then the VERY ADDICTING GAME comes along. This is the game that addicts you so fast and so hard you are addicted before you know you are addicted. This is the short, simple, yet challenging minigame I am talking about, my friends, and the new king of the VERY ADDICTING GAME is Desktop Tower Defense. In order to keep from addicting you, I won't describe it too much except to say it's a mesh of Centipede-Rampart-and any other build walls and stop the bad guys game. Basically, you build gun towers to stop baddies from making it across the screen. I can't say anymore-- it's too addicting to even discuss. Don't click on the link, if you know what's best for you. It's partly why I haven't blogged in a few days...