02 February 2007

One Z-pac, no pickles

So this month of February is going GREAT.

Not really.

Little AM has decided that sleeping at night is just so last month, and even if she does sleep, she won't do it unless held, which is really cute until about 3:00am. This is further complicated by my recent AOTC (Attack of the Crud)*, which got so bad I missed work one day and had to get a Z-pac, which is a wonderful antibiotic.

Then my new camera (which I will show later), was not delivered because I missed the Fedex guy by about 20 minutes. Since FedEx is so huge and diverse (read: needlessly overorganized), my package did not go back to the local FedEx facility where I could get it, but 40 minutes away to Chattanooga, where I could gladly pick it up, although no one at FedEx could tell me what time that facility could be open. Let me repeat that: FedEx could not tell me when their own building opens.

Oh, and did I mention my venerable Toyota is leaking antifreeze?

Well now that I have that all out, that's better.

*Not to be confused with Star Wars Episode II: AOTC (Attack of the Clones), although it was crud also.